Fixed, Movable, and Dual Zodiac Signs in Vedic Astrology


Reading Time: 3 minutes

As you already know there are twelve (12) zodiac signs in astrology, whether that be Vedic astrology or Western astrology.

For reference, the table below highlights the 12 zodiac signs along with their ruling planets and exaltation and debilitation planets. The peak exaltation and peak debilitation degrees are mentioned in parentheses.

Zodiac SignRuling Planet or LordExaltation Sign ForDebilitation Sign For
AriesMarsSun (10 deg.)Saturn (20 deg.)
TaurusVenusMoon (3 deg.)
GeminiMercuryRahu (15 deg.)Ketu (15 deg.)
CancerMoonJupiter (5 deg.)Mars (28 deg.)
VirgoMercuryMercury (15 deg.)Venus (27 deg.)
LibraVenusSaturn (20 deg.)Sun (10 deg.)
ScorpioMarsMoon (3 deg.)
SagittariusJupiterKetu (15 deg.)Rahu (15 deg.)
CapricornSaturnMars (28 deg.)Jupiter (5 deg.)
PiscesSaturnVenus (27 deg.)Mercury (15 deg.)

Now, the 12 zodiac signs (Rashi) can be classified into three categories, including (1) fixed, (2) movable or cardinal, and (3) dual or common or mutable based on their inherent nature.

Fixed Zodiac Signs

The zodiac signs – Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius – are known as the fixed signs because of their inherent nature to resist change and continue their ways. Natives of such ascendants do not listen to others, or even if they do, they end up being stubborn and only doing what they think is best. Each of the fixed zodiac sign has been described below:

  1. Taurus Ascendants – they are quite practical and grounded in reality; they care less about emotions and more about realism. They value security, reliability, and comfort and will resist change of any sort. They can be quite selfish.
  2. Leo Ascendants – they are too proud of themselves to ever accept the ways of another; they will try their best to maintain dominance and authority over the other parties. Such ascendants will avoid admitting their mistakes even if they know they are wrong.
  3. Scorpio Ascendants – they prefer to focus on control far too much and are secretive by nature; Scorpio ascendants will never tell you the complete truth as they fear they would lose control of the situation if they did.
  4. Aquarius Ascendants – they are too independent and innovative to listen to others. Aquarius ascendants listen to themselves only because they believe they are right, so there is also an aura of pride around them, too. Like Taurus, they can be somewhat selfish as well.

Movable (Cardinal) Zodiac Signs

The zodiac signs – Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn, are known as the movable or cardinal zodiac signs. The ascendants of those zodiac signs are the first to take action in any situation they deem necessary and will not hesitate to take difficult steps to rectify or resolve any matter even if it may cause them internal conflict.

  1. Aries Ascendants – they do not shy away from action and will take whatever risks necessary as long as they believe in the underlying intentions for the same.
  2. Cancer Ascendants – though emotionally sensitive and caring, they will take necessary steps and action to protect their loved ones and family.
  3. Libra Ascendants – their true motives are difficult to decide, as they are mostly diplomatic and tend to try and maintain a good relation with almost everyone which could make it harder for their partner to feel special from their end.
  4. Capricorn Ascendants – they are ambitious and disciplined both and will take steps necessary to establish long-term goals and structures in life for delayed gratification.

Mutable (Dual) Zodiac Signs

The zodiac signs Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces are referred to as the Dual or Mutable zodiac signs. Mutable or dual or common zodiac signs represent a balance between movable and fixed zodiac signs. They are adaptable and flexible and will keep themselves open to changes as they understand that life is always in a constant state of flux or change. Mutable signs are experts at navigating through uncertainty and will effortlessly change their nature and perspectives to best address any situation at hand.

  1. Gemini Ascendants – they are skilled communicators and will often have a child-like curiosity to things. Being intellectually driven, they avoid picking sides and will prefer to resolve matters with intellect and logic.
  2. Virgo Ascendants – they are highly analytical and practical and will study a situation before deciding how to approach it. Virgo ascendants continually adjust to changing circumstances while adapting on the fly to accommodate uncertainty.
  3. Sagittarius Ascendants – they are quite optimistic and have an adventurous demeanor, they love trying out new things and are also philosophical.
  4. Pisces – they are compassionate and caring individuals who will adjust or accommodate to changing situations to adjust the emotional circumstances they present.

The table below summarizes the signs and their nature. You can memorize this to recall it easily.

Element TypeFireWaterEarthAir
Movable (Cardinal)AriesCancerCapricornLibra
Mutable (Dual)SagittariusPiscesVirgoGemini

Zodiac Signs Compatibility

When it comes to interpersonal (between two people) compatibility, some rules are to be remembered concerning Fixed, Movable or Cardinal, and Mutable or Dual signs.

Sr. No.SituationResult
1Fixed Sign & Fixed SignExtreme Conflicts, unless common ground is found
2Fixed Sign & Movable SignConflicts, unless Movable Sign compromises
3Fixed Sign & Dual SignSemi-Harmonious, but Dual Sign suffers
4Movable Sign & Movable SignHarmonious, both are flexible & open to changes
5Movable Sign & Dual SignHarmonious, both are flexible & open to changes
6Dual Sign & Dual SignHarmonious, both are flexible & open to changes