Retrograde planets in Vedic astrology are referred to as planets who are orbiting “backwards” – as in, further away from Earth. Obviously if we think of it practically, planets revolve or orbit around the Sun in a defined motion, but from the Earth as a reference, planets are either orbiting in direct motion (forward to us) or in retrograde motion (away from us). Some rules to remember regarding retrograde planets are:
- Sun and Moon are never retrograde
- Rahu (north node) and Ketu (south node) are always retrograde
- Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto may either be direct or retrograde
In ascendant or natal charts of natives, planets exhibiting retrograde motion are marked by an asterisk (*) symbol or (R) or (Rx). In Vedic Jyotish, retrograde planets are referred to as ‘vakri graha’ – meaning ‘crooked planets’; coming to impacts, retrograde planets are quite powerful when it comes to their impacts. Although there exists no official figure, it is believed that they are 3 times more powerful than direct motion planets. That is the reason why Rahu and Ketu are so powerful and are known as the harbingers of sudden change – because they are always in retrograde motion. Other planets may either be in direct (regular) motion or retrograde motion.
From the Vedic astrology or Vedic Jyotish perspective, retrogradation may exhibit in one of the two forms (1) retrograde planets exist in the natal chart or birth chart of the person, or (2) retrograde planets do not exist in the natal chart or birth chart, but they are transiting during a given year or month (or few months).
Every year, different planets transit through different zodiac signs, leading to various effects on the lives of people. In Vedic astrology or Jyotish, this is referred to as ‘Gochar’ or the transit chart. By examining the various transits happening during a given year, you can have an overview of what to expect regarding your health, wealth, and relationships during the year.
Retrograde planets in Vedic astrology are an interesting case, because their impacts are not very well understood even if many astrologers claim that they are. One thing is for certain – their effects are magnified. Now, magnification means one of the two things:
- Too much of a good effect turns into a bad effect; retrograde planets take their blessings to the extreme – there is a high chance that when this happens, the person will begin suffering because of that quality. More on this later.
- Retrograde planets straight up deliver the opposite effect of what they should be doing. For example, a person with a retrograde Mercury ends up struggling to communicate their thoughts coherently and may even stutter in speech or end up forgetting things.
- If a benefic planet retrogrades, its good effects are reduced, but if a malefic planet retrogrades, its ill-effects are increased manifold. The exceptions to this are Rahu and Ketu who are always capable of both giving good and bad effects to the person based on their placement in the chart.
The effects of retrograde planets depend on the house of the ascendant chart they are positioned in. However, this section aims to shed some light on the general effects of each retrograde planet with the exception of Sun, Moon, Rahu (north node), and Ketu (south node).
For the ease of navigation and classification, I have included the effects of retrograde Mercury in both (1) natal or birth chart, or (2) transit chart. Retrogradation in the natal chart is permanent while that in the transit chart is temporary depending on how many days a planet stays in retrograde motion in the solar system relative to the Earth. Note that whenever a planet is retrograde in transit, any ill-effects that take place as a result of its retrograde motion are soon dispelled whenever they resume being in direct motion.
Some differences of retrograde planetary placements or motions in natal or birth chart vs. transit chart have been tabulated below.
Retrograde Planets in Natal/Birth Chart | Retrograde Planets in Transit/Gochar Chart |
Planets are permanently retrograde | Planets are temporarily retrograde |
Retrogradation gives positive impacts to the person as well | Retrogradation mostly give negative impacts to the people |
Affects only the person whose natal/birth chart is in discussion | Affects everyone in the world in different ways |
Additionally, retrogradation may be benefic as well as malefic planets. However, retrogradation may affect both planets differently.
- Benefic planets such as Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter will give extremes of good qualities, so the person will not know how to handle them. A retrograde Jupiter will cause the person to have so much wisdom that they will never know when to stop preaching to others about it, for example. A retrograde Mercury will give its native so much intellectual ability that they will often not be sure how to communicate it to others and end up confusing themselves and others. A retrograde Venus will make the person have such expectations from love and romance that they will prefer to not have romantic partnerships at all unless the person checks all of their boxes.
- Malefic planets such as Mars and Saturn will give extreme bad results when they are retrograde. A retrograde Mars will make the person suffer physically and not have the strength needed to face life’s challenges, although the reverse can happen, too – they could end up being so violent that they take the law in their hands and end up in some legal trouble. A retrograde Saturn will make the person work 3 times harder for anything they want – with the results still being the same or not even as much as they would have normally been.
A Note About Retrogradation & Transit
When a naturally benefic planet, including Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter, transits a zodiac sign that is situated in a favorable house of a person, including the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, and 10th house, it will give favorable results to that person. For example, if Jupiter is retrograde in Aries, and Aries happens to be someone’s 4th house placement zodiac sign, that person will benefit from the transit. Likewise, if a benefic planet retrogrades a zodiac sign that is placed in the malefic houses, including 3rd, 6th, 8th, 11th, and 12th houses, the evil effects of those houses would be reduced to a minimum.
Similarly, if a malefic retrograde transits a favorable house zodiac sign for a person, it neutralizes or destroys the good effects of the said house for the person until the period ends. Now, if that same malefic planet retrograde transits an unfavorable house, the evils are multiplied. The table below tabulates the differences:
Condition | Impact |
Benefic planet retrograde in favorable house zodiac sign (1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th) | Good impacts are obtained by the person of the said ascendant chart |
Benefic planet retrograde in unfavorable house zodiac sign (3rd, 6th, 8th, 11th, 12th) | Bad impacts are neutralized for the person emerging from those houses |
Malefic planet retrograde in favorable house zodiac sign | Favorable effects of the house are neutralized or destroyed |
Malefic planet retrograde in unfavorable house zodiac sign | Evil effects of the house are multiplied or magnified. |
Retrograde Mercury
Mercury is regarded as the planet of communication, speech, intellect, logic, reasoning, business and trade, negotiations, youth, etc. Usually, anything that involves using your brain or mind (not emotions), Mercury’s blessings would be relevant.
Retrograde Mercury Impacts on Natal Chart
The person would have a different way of looking at things. Mercury stands for logic and reasoning, so retrograde Mercury is more about symbols and intuition. The individual with a retrograde Mercury will often think of things in a more intuitive and spiritual manner rather than their apparent meanings. They will often be able to see the bigger picture of things and avoid getting caught up in the technicalities. However, they are likely to overthink and will often catch themselves thinking or worrying about things that may not necessarily be worrisome objectively. Natives with a retrograde mercury in their natal chart may also have some communication issues and may appreciate someone who over-explains them since they are prone to miscommunication. Such individuals may tend to doubt themselves and/or their decisions especially when it comes to work and professional matters.
However, retrograde Mercury in the natal chart could drive the person to be more artistic or creative whilst being less logical and technical in their career and academic pursuits. They would do well in areas or fields of study which have to do with feeling rather than thinking – that is to say, arts instead of sciences and engineering. Retrograde Mercury bestows huge mental power, but quite often this is directed inwards as such people tend to be lost in their own thoughts and they do not know what they must say and when or how. This often causes them to lose friends as they can also be 100% genuine and maintain no filter over their words.
Retrograde Mercury Impacts on Transit Chart
Retrograde Mercury in transit always causes some impediments or challenges in communication and career or business. Misunderstandings between people or in relationships are likely to be frequent as well as the chances of business deals and workplace matters going wrong are higher. Mercury’s retrograde transit causes people to slow down (forcibly, even if they do not feel like it) and rethink their business strategies or career decisions. Mercury’s retrograde transit also makes people have self-doubt or second thoughts about decision-making. It can also delay career growth and success, such as missed promotions, delays in business growth, investment returns not being received, etc. Additionally, retrograde Mercury is also likely to cause issues with technology or technological aspects such as applications and software being faulty or any businesses that use some level of technology (although most businesses today do) to suffer as a result of any issues in their applications and electronic platforms.
Retrograde Venus
Venus is the planet of pretty much all good things in the material world – comfort, luxuries, riches, artistry, entertainment, music, poetry, social connections, fine food and drink, sex and physical pleasures, riches, wealth, etc. Anything that involves gratification or benefiting from something physical or material needs the blessing of Venus.
Retrograde Venus Impacts on Natal Chart
Venus is a natural benefic, so its retrograde placement in the birth chart reduces or somewhat dulls its benefic qualities, but they do not turn malefic or harmful. Usually, a person with a retrograde Venus may take more time to socialize and make connections with other people; he/she would be more focused on a careful assessment of someone before giving them their time, attention, value, or emotions. Such people are rather inward-focused and prefer to be introverted and may enjoy solitude more than the company of many. They usually do not care about trends nor do they engage in them. They do not care about being charming or being liked by many and are instead satisfied and happy with what anyone truly close to them may think or feel. They may demonstrate unconventionality in things of interest and liking – such as a person with a retrograde Venus may find enjoyment and beauty in religious ceremonies as opposed to partying or clubbing. Their expression of love is also different and they may not engage in sexual activities easily, although they will continue to attract the opposite gender just as much. Love, for them, is about connecting on deeper levels that transcend materialism. They may also be religious or spiritual and prefer to have a simple, loving relationship or marriage as opposed to multiple casual encounters. Another important point of retrograde Venus is that it may cause past lovers or ex-boyfriends or ex-girlfriends to return or keep coming back for whatever reason, but it often causes more mental stress with no positive result in the end.
Retrograde Venus Impacts on Transit Chart
When Venus enters retrograde motion in transit charts, the biggest change that people will notice is that their relationship issues have increased. Single folks may think they have it easy, but perhaps not – as they too will likely enter into arguments or fights with the opposite gender due to whatever reason. Alternatively, those who are without partners may feel lonely and unloved – more so than they usually do. Additionally, retrograde Venus can cause exes, whether ex-girlfriends or ex-boyfriends, to come back or at least try coming back to the lives of people. However, this is more of a test and any sort of ‘reunion’ that may so happen is just transitory and will end soon enough. Likewise, any new relationships that are formed during the period of retrograde Venus will end as soon as Venus resumes its regular trajectory of direct motion.It may also cause individuals to turn spiritual who are more extroverted and focus on their inward mind and introspect upon their actions.
Retrograde Mars
Mars is the planet of fire, aggression, anger, blood, all things red, energy, drive, action, passion, intensity, conflict, war, construction, buildings, land, heavy machinery, arguments, physical energy, constitution, violence, sexual stamina (for males), effort, consistency, etc. Mars’ blessings are needed if one is to emerge victorious in conflicts and fights as well as maintain their dedication and efforts as well as physical labor towards any realm of human endeavor.
Retrograde Mars Impacts on Natal Chart
Retrograde Mars in the ascendant or natal chart of a person could have multiple meanings. First, it could be that they never rise up to the challenge at hand and find themselves always lacking in willpower, drive, determination, motivation, or they may also be physically weak and/or have poor constitution or suffer from physical/bodily weakness. Alternatively, retrograde Mars could cause a person to have no control over their anger and end up taking actions in haste as a result of their emotions and the same causing them long-term damage such as being involved in criminal litigation or fights that may pose mortal dangers to them. Mars is the planet of action, so a retrograde Mars causes individuals to stop and think or introspect upon their actions, perhaps even before the outcome is reached. This also causes them to be hesitant to decision-making as they believe in taking extremely calculated steps. Mars in retrograde motion in the natal chart of a person may also cause them to be convinced that the law is not effective and they may take the law into their own hands by finding their own means to ‘make things right’. Depending on the house it is posited in, a retrograde Mars may also cause the person to have to undergo surgeries due to various health reasons.
Women with retrograde Mars also do not have it easy; they are likely to experience marital problems and challenges with their spouses, often going to the extremes of either being too cold or too hot-tempered. Their marital relations are also affected because of their lack of interest in their husbands when it comes to physical intimacy and sexual connection; however, they may consider such adventures with other individuals who are often younger than them, although this usually gets them in trouble.
Retrograde Mars Impacts on Transit Chart
When Mars enters retrograde motion in the transit/gochar chart, two things happen – (1) anything that involves the blessing of Mars gets delayed – such as building a house, purchasing automobiles, purchasing arms and property, medical surgeries or anything that includes bloodletting, engaging in physical relations with the opposite gender (for men/males/boys), and (2) severe drop in the motivation and willpower or drive to complete one’s tasks and works. In the transit chart, when Mars enters retrogradation, people in general feel ‘stuck’ due to wanting to finish their work or focus on achieving their goals, but they cannot or are not able to, for whatever reason. It also would appear that the amount of effect necessary to achieve a certain outcome may also be tremendously magnified, with the results still getting delayed regardless.
*Note that the effects of the transit Mars retrograde also apply to the natal Mars retrograde, sometimes. For example, a person with a retrograde Mars should avoid investing in steel, iron, defense, or construction sectors (as in, investments, not house purchase) because they would likely give him losses.
Retrograde Jupiter
Jupiter is the single most important planet in Vedic astrology. It is said that if a person has a well-placed Jupiter in their chart, they can and will be protected from a hundred malefic effects. Hence, when the Great Protector enters retrograde motion, it could signify major challenges for the individual as well as others if it enters retrograde motion in the transit chart.
Retrograde Jupiter Impacts on Natal Chart
If a person has a retrograde Jupiter in their birth or natal chart, they will have a very different way of thinking and doing things. They will find success when and where others have failed; their starting points in life will be the ending points of others, they will be able to find abandoned projects and bring them to completion Since Jupiter is also the planet of Dharma and morality, people with a retrograde Jupiter are usually less concerned with those. Such individuals can employ any trick in the book to get the person or thing they want, including psychological warfare. Individuals with a retrograde Jupiter will usually not be too concerned about any opportunities unless they see their personal profit in it. If a situation is profitable enough, they may take part in it even if it concerns their safety. Individuals with a retrograde Jupiter in their natal chart may also have a subjective approach to life – meaning they will often see failure where others find success and vice versa. Such people can be usually valuable to any situation which has an element of things going wrong at the last moment or minute, since they can often propose a contrarian perspective which when considered could be beneficial for everyone.
Alternate Impact: there could be another impact to someone’s Jupiter being retrograde depending on the house placement. They could possess a sense of extravagance and pride about themselves and their knowledge (which they would have, no doubt), but this would border on arrogance. They would also likely look down on others and enjoy preaching to others all the time and likely bothering or irritating everyone else, whether or not they follow the rules themselves.
Retrograde Jupiter Impacts on Transit Chart
Jupiter is the planet of good fortune and auspiciousness, so when it enters into retrograde motion, nearly everything gets slowed down and all good and constructive matters either fail or get immensely delayed. It is safe to say that there may not be a planet more dangerous than Jupiter in retrograde in the transit chart. This is because Jupiter represents expansion, so when it enters into retrogradation, it signifies contraction or shrinkage. During this period, starting any new project, entering into any new relationship, conducting a marriage, purchasing new property or assets, etc., are all considered to be ill-advised. The only advice to be given to everyone when Jupiter retrogrades is to have patience for the period to be completed as there is not much they can do except save their money, mental peace, patience, and time. Be warned that new tasks that are initiated during a retrograde Jupiter will often be delayed considerably or result in failure.
Retrograde Saturn
Saturn is the planet of justice and karma, as well as hard work, discipline, diseases, delays, longevity, enemies, occult sciences, servants and other people with lower status in society, grief, misery, sorrow, etc. Since Saturn is a malefic, like Mars, its negative effects would be magnified considerably when it is in retrograde motion, whether in natal or transit chart.
Retrograde Saturn Impacts on Natal Chart
Saturn retrograde in the birth or natal chart means that the person has to work 300% more or three times harder to achieve the same results as they would normally have. This also means that they would have to be more patient with their expectations about the results, for they may not come quickly. Additionally, depending on the house placement, it could also represent severe diseases (such as Saturn retrograde in the sixth house represents severe diseases to the person) or enemies who can continually be a bother. Additionally, individuals with a retrograde Saturn in their natal chart may have a sense of pessimism about things, because their efforts often do not yield results. They have a self-defeatist subconsciousness which causes them to consider giving up easily. Such individuals are often misunderstood by others and as such consider or prefer spending time by themselves; they prefer to be hidden and stay away from the limelight. Individuals with a retrograde Saturn are, however, peaceful overall and tend to stay to their own devices and not bother others. However, they have an extremely strong sense of fairness and will go to any lengths to right a wrong or avenge themselves or a loved one when or if the situation demands it.
Retrograde Saturn Impacts on Transit Chart
During a transit, Saturn retrograde imbues similar effects on others. This represents a period where people are advised to consider their actions and their consequences and to slow down overall. Retrograde Saturn also means that many of Saturn’s karmic justices will befall the individuals in some form or the other. Saturn’s exact effects when in retrograde transit can vary considerably as some zodiac signs thrive during this period while others suffer more. However, what stays constant is that this represents a period where people are expected to contemplate and embrace solitude to plan ahead in life and rest their minds momentarily until the period ends. Additionally, health issues may be more frequent during this period, especially those of the skin, so they should try and prevent the same by taking more precautions. Businesses could suffer issues with their workers and individuals could suffer issues with their bosses or managers and are advised to approach situations in a calm manner.
Retrograde Uranus
Uranus is the planet of rebellion, originality, inventiveness, innovation, freedom, and unconventionality. It represents or governs over any area of life that involves any degree of uncertainty. When Uranus retrogrades, all those qualities are magnified to the extent that it could cause issues or problems for the native.
Retrograde Uranus Impacts on Natal Chart
When Uranus retrogrades in the natal or birth chart of a person, it skyrockets its ideals in their consciousness. Such people will prioritize being original and standing out from the crowd and will do whatever it takes to achieve that. Such people’s careers, life paths, decisions, etc., will make no sense to anyone else except themselves, and they will not even be worried about it – rather they will be proud of it. Such individuals could never care for the society and will do whatever they think is best irrespective of what everyone else around them thinks – even their own parents. While retrograde Uranus individuals enjoy the company of like-minded individuals, they are quick to detach and cut off people who do not share their perspectives on life and its various matters. If they are unable to find such people, they would not hesitate to spend time by themselves either. Unfortunately, retrograde Uranians are very misunderstood by the society and sometimes, even by their loved ones. They tend to lose public support as a result of their unorthodox approach to things, but this does not bother them. They are still successful in whatever they do even if it is quite different from societal norms. Being habitual loners, retrograde Uranians enjoy their own company and do not like being told what to do. They will often rebel or bear deep-rooted resentment against anyone who tries to seize their sense of freedom from them and may strike back in unknown ways when or if the opportunity presents it. Retrograde Uranians can be excellent researchers and scientists as well as academicians. When it comes to research, they are second to none and will often prioritize being the very best they can be, especially if it comes to demonstrating their capabilities in terms of knowledge and scholastic competence.
Retrograde Uranus Impacts on Transit Chart
When Uranus retrogrades in transit, it imbues its qualities in the minds of people. As such, during this period, individuals may feel the need to break free from their old and repetitive patterns of work and life and seek out new opportunities. During this period, companies can see resignations as workers decide to leave their previous lives behind and do something different. Likewise, people could also enter into arguments due to a sense of their individuality being suppressed either by their peers, family, or bosses. However, during this time, you might also experience a sudden sense of inner discovery or change and transformation in your nature and behavior as well as a very good chance of figuring out what you wish to do with your life, moving forward.
Retrograde Neptune
Neptune represents spirituality, mysticism, inner consciousness, intuition, deep thoughts, occult sciences, astral energies, dreams, hidden desires, imagination, etc. Neptune is arguably the most important planet for an astrologer since without its blessings, no astrologer could ever connect with the spiritual plane, much less be successful in their readings and predictions for their clients.
Retrograde Neptune Impacts on Natal Chart
A retrograde Neptune in the natal chart of the person represents heightened levels of spirituality and inclinations towards the spiritual universe but this borders on confusion, overthinking, and daydreaming. Such people tend to be quite spiritual, but they do not appear to have much interest in the material world and would rather spend more time dreaming rather than doing. Such individuals also tend to have spiritual inconsistency, meaning they may begin engaging in some spiritual activity (such as meditation) but fail to maintain consistency in it, often giving up for random reasons or plain laziness. Manifestations are also harder for retrograde Neptunians as their connection to the spiritual cosmos gets affected and disrupted due to lack of focus. They are secretive in nature and will not reveal their intentions or parts of their life easily, especially anything that pictures them in a vulnerable light. They, however, do have psychic powers and can sometimes experience premonition of events. However, all this causes them to have a rather laid-back attitude towards life and not care much about material things. Such people couldn’t care less about being ‘achievers’ and instead would choose to live a hermit-like life whether they can execute it or not.
Retrograde Neptune Impacts on Transit Chart
Retrograde Neptune in transit presents a period of confusion and sometimes, spiritual awakening. People may find themselves detaching from their routine activities and finding less interest in their material lives while being spiritually inclined to the Divine. Individuals may feel interested in mystical fields such as Tarot reading, Vedic astrology, divinations, angel guidance, etc. Similarly, they might experience dilemmas regarding their relationships, career decisions, investment plans, etc. They may also experience higher levels of intuition and perhaps more vivid dreams. This would be a good period for people to detach from their routine lives and consider spending more time with Nature and solitude and contemplate about their lives.
Retrograde Pluto
Pluto is the planet of death and rebirth. It governs the most powerful energies across realms which shape and transform lives. Pluto is all about change. Pluto is the only planet whose effects can never be truly ascertained since change can come in any form whatsoever.
Retrograde Pluto Impacts on Natal Chart
Pluto retrograde in the natal chart represents some kind of life-changing event that completely destroys or ends a previous process and initiates a new one. Depending on the house placement, Pluto retrograde creates an irreversible change in the life of the person which propels them in that direction. For example, one client of mine had Pluto retrograde in her 9th house, which is the house of Dharma, religion, higher education, destiny, and luck. She was an astrologer, too. I predicted that Pluto retrograde in her chart must have brought a life-changing event which brought her to Dharma and astrology (which is a religious field of profession), and she confirmed that I was correct – her husband had passed away some years prior which caused her to come into astrology. Even in my own case, I have Pluto in my 2nd house (house of wealth) in retrograde, and I have had major changes in the ways I’ve earned my income – and I can say one thing, it was not easy at all. Another client of mine had Pluto retrograde in her 7th house, and her life dramatically after marriage, which required her to make several adjustments and there was a period of emotional turbulence, too. For this reason, I would personally say that Pluto retrograde almost never ever results in a positive change emotionally, but in the long-run, it may be worth it, or at the very least, necessary.
Retrograde Pluto Impacts on Transit Chart
Pluto retrograde transits are relatively easy to understand – let go. Any and everything that was not meant for you in this life will be forcibly taken away or destroyed, whether you like it or not. During this period, you are likely to experience hidden changes and desires come to life. Regardless of other factors, Pluto retrograde transits involve unknown, but sudden changes and transformations in one’s life.