Effects of Jupiter in the Twelfth House (Vyaya Bhava or House of Losses and Expenditure)


Reading Time: 2 minutes

The 12th house is not a very fine placement for Jupiter; although it is true that Jupiter, being the most benefic and auspicious of benefic planets, will attempt to reduce the negatives of the house it is placed in, the 12th house is inherently malefic. For example, even if Jupiter is placed well in the 12th house, the person will still incur losses and expenditure, but they will be due to charitable and/or religious reasons.

Similarly, Jupiter in the 12th house means that the person will have good knowledge of hidden areas or fields of knowledge like astrology. He/she might also be able to earn income from abroad or foreign lands if Mercury conjuncts Jupiter or aspects Him.

If Jupiter is afflicted by Rahu in the 12th house, the person may end up attempting to make illicit relations with other members of the opposite gender; this may include both individuals in their vicinity as well as from foreign places.

If Jupiter is placed strongly in the 12th house, the person may consider or prefer moving out of their place of residence to seek enlightenment; this will be further strengthened if Jupiter is conjunct with Ketu.

However, there is a situation where Jupiter will be immensely beneficial for the person even if He is in the 12th house; the condition would be that of Vipreet Raj Yoga.

Vipreet Raj Yoga occurs or happens in one of the situations or conditions below:

Lords of the 6th, 8th, or 12th house are placed in their own houses, or

Lords of the 6th, 8th, or 12th house are placed in the houses of each other; for example, the lord of the 6th house is placed in the 8th house or the 12th house.

Vipreet Raj Yoga signifies eventual success after a period of intense struggle. Contrary to popular belief, Vipreet Raj Yoga does not mean that the person will not suffer. They still will have to face adversities, but the results will be somewhat better than otherwise.